At Yavneh College we will report to parents three times a year on their children’s progress, via data based interim reports and one full written report.
The purpose of this assessment, recording and reporting system is to provide regular information throughout the year to both students and parents on how pupils are progressing and importantly, on how students can improve.
Please refer to your child’s individual report and accompanying documentation for specific, detailed information.
Tracking Progress at KS3
All subject areas have a clear understanding of what their students should know, understand and be able to do by the end of Year 7 and 8. Assessment focuses on giving effective, impactful feedback which provides explicit guidance on how to improve so that children can make the most progress.
There are four descriptors of progress for each subject:
- Emerging
- Developing
- Securing
- Mastering
Progress throughout Year 7 and 8 is monitored according to how the children perform against these assessment descriptors. Teachers provide their students with both written and verbal feedback which explains to the child what they are currently doing well and importantly how they can improve and progress towards the next assessment descriptor. The full assessment descriptor grids for each subject can be downloaded by clicking on the icons below. These documents set out the skills, knowledge and concepts that children learn during Year 7 and 8.
Assessment in Year 7 and 8 has moved away from giving target grades and levels. Research suggests that a target driven culture does little to improve students’ grades, progress or aspirations, but can make students afraid of failure and can make them anxious and lower their self-esteem. Therefore we believe it is more important to focus on providing clear guidance about how to improve and become a better learner. This is in keeping with developing a Growth Mindset culture throughout the school, which is a key priority for Yavneh College. The rationale for this is anchored in the desire to develop independent, resilient, life-long learners. Necessarily, by developing our pupils at this early stage into engaged, independent, reflective learners who are able to understand how best they learn, will serve them well and maximise their chances of success in KS4 and beyond.