Our curriculum across both KS3 and KS4 is driven by our vision:
‘To have the desire to refine pupils skills and attributes to improve their performance (socially, mentally and physically)’
‘To engage pupils to show determination and compete in competitive sports’
‘To encourage pupils to live a healthy active lifestyle’
Through our decisions about curriculum content and structure, we provide pupils with the opportunity to develop and refine a wide range of skills, including physical, mental and social skills. They will experience this in different competitive sports and physical activities. The curriculum will provide them with knowledge, and develop the skills necessary to succeed in the wider world and at GCSE and BTEC Sport. The curriculum is to be implemented through engaging lessons, an enrichment programme, a broad and vast extra-curricular programme, effective assessment and the opportunity to work individually and collaboratively with others
Core P.E. at KS3
Y7, Y8 and Y9 Intent
Over the course of Year 7-9, our students will study and learn the following:-
Physical skills | Mental Skills | Social Skills |
·Complete fitness tests at maximal level ·Perform basic sporting skills e.g. catching and throwing ·Perform complex sporting skills e.g. a jump shot in handball ·Link skills together e.g. dribbling then shooting without slowing down ·Complete skills consistently and accurately ·Implement tactics and strategies ·Outwit opponents effectively ·Create interesting and different dance and gymnastic routines ·Set ambitious realistic goals |
·Understand the importance of warming up ·What is included in a three phase warm up ·Know how to measure Heart Rate ·Stay focussed and clearly want to improve ·Volunteer for questions or demonstrations ·Solve problems as an individual and as a team ·Identify own skill strengths and weaknesses ·Describe and explain effective strengths and weaknesses about performances and tactics ·Enquire about the differences and effectiveness of different methods of training ·Showing resilience and determination to complete challenging activities ·Evaluate a performance and identify WWW and EBI |
·Lead a small group in warm up ·Evaluate own, a partner’s or group’s performance ·Able to officiate activities ·Able to suggest improvements for own, a partner’s or group’s performance ·Use verbal and non-verbal communication ·Support the teacher in leading a lesson ·Work well in small groups ·Work well and take lead of larger groups ·Can listen to others |
Y7, 8 and 9 Implementation
Our students secure this knowledge through the careful planning of our lessons and schemes of learning, all built and predicated on the expectations of the National Curriculum model. This is then also developed out further, to ensure a depth and breadth to the content that is covered.
Planning for lessons and schemes of learning is rooted in an understanding of Cognitive Science, with each and every lesson planned so that there are opportunities for:
- Retrieval of prior learning via starter tasks that link to previous leaning
- Opportunities to work individually and collectively to complete and solve tasks
- Pupil led physical modelling and demonstrations to showcase excellent technique
- A chance to reflect upon their own and others work to suggest strengths and weaknesses
Y7, 8 and 9 Impact
In years 7 and 8, ongoing assessment of learning in P.E. is undertaken every lesson. It is also undertaken at the end of each half term, via pupils completing their learning records and completing a physical fitness test. Following assessments, pupils monitor and track their progress in PE. This allows them to understand what they need to do next to improve their performances in a range of physical activities .