We are proud of our students. Each year Yavneh College pupils go onto study at the best universities in the country.
As Yavneh College graduates get older they are starting to enter a variety of professions and we regularly hear very good things about them from their employers and colleagues.
- 91% (107) students progressed to university
- 3% (4) students undertook a gap year
- 3% (4) students secured Apprenticeships
- 3% (4) students went into employment
- Of the students who went to university, 61% went to a Russell Group university and 4% to Oxbridge
Yavneh College students go on to the best universities in the country, 61% went to a Russell Group University and 4% to Oxbridge in 2021 – Mr. Lewis, Executive Headteacher
Whether academically, socially or through the arts, we strive to create a safe, nurturing and supportive school with graduates who care for others and are proud to play a meaningful role within the communities to which they belong. – Head of Year 9
The school has made me a better person in so many ways. – Year 13 Pupil