Yavneh College offers a very broad curriculum at each Key Stage
For more information about individual subjects please visit our Subjects pages by clicking on a subject name in the sidebar or visiting the Curriculum section i nthe main menu.
All pupils study English language, English literature, mathematics, biology, chemistry, physics, Jewish studies, history, geography, Ivrit (modern Hebrew), French or Spanish, computing & information technology, physical education, art, music, drama and design & technology. PSHCE (Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education) is integrated into many areas of the curriculum, including form time and the Jewish studies programme, which is where we also deliver our Relationships and Sex Education.
Most pupils study 9 GCSEs or iGCSEs
- English Language
- English Literature
- Mathematics
- Double Award Science
- Religious Studies
3 option subjects chosen from the list below
- English Language
- English Literature
- Mathematics
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Religious Studies
3 option subjects chosen from the list below
Option subjects (N.B. With the introduction of the EBac, pupils are now being encouraged to select a humanities subject and a modern foreign language from this list of options, if this is appropriate to their career plans and strengths):
- Art & Design
- Business (BTEC)
- D&T: Food Technology
- D&T: Materials Technology
- Drama
- French
- Geography
- History
- Computing
- Ivrit
- Music
- Photography
- Spanish
- Travel and Tourism (BTEC)