Our school motto is ‘Olam Chesed Yibaneh’ meaning ‘A World Built on Kindness’.
At Yavneh College our pupils are divided into 5 Houses:
- Orah (Happiness)
- Yedidya (Friendship)
- Shalva (Peace)
- Achva (Brotherhood)
- Hoda’ah (Gratitude)
‘The Yavneh Way’ of politeness, kindness, courtesy and respect are the ways that lead into and become a part of our vision of a world built on kindness.
School Mission
Yavneh College is an outstanding Modern Orthodox Jewish school which nurtures personal and academic excellence together with a love of Jewish life and learning.
School Vision
Yavneh College is committed to:
- The pursuit of academic excellence through inspirational teaching, intellectual curiosity and independent thinking
- Developing students who have first class Jewish knowledge, skills and a sense of pride and commitment to our communities and to Israel
- Developing individual interests and talents
- Enabling students to achieve their full potential, and preparing them to cope with the challenges of a changing world
- Creating a safe, nurturing and supportive school with graduates who reflect British values, care for others and are proud to play a meaningful role within the communities to which they belong.
A member of the Leading Edge network
Yavneh College is a member of the Leading Edge network in recognition of our status as a high performing school. Less than 1% of schools in England have this status.