To help Yavneh students cope with any challenging or difficult social situations. To ensure all pupils have an older student available to ask for help and who can direct them towards appropriate advice and/or support.
This committee was established in 2021 in the aftermath of the Sarah Everard murder and the growing national spotlight on the issue of sexual harassment.
The aim of the committee is to ensure that the students themselves can help play a role in further educating students about respect and appropriate behaviour towards each other.
Role of the committee:
- Meet once a half term with either the Head of Sixth Form and/or Headteacher.
- To further develop pupil voice and lines of communication with senior leadership with regard to the issues of respect, sexual harassment and consent.
- To ensure that the committee is “relaunched” every year for Year 12 students at the start of the summer term.
- To consult with Head of Sixth Form on the topics for KS4 and KS5 PSHCE.
- To plan and deliver a series of Year 12 PSHCE lessons on sexual harassment and consent, self-respect and LGBTQ+. This will be integrated into the current Sixth Form and PSHCE curriculum.
- To plan and deliver a Year 11 PSHCE lesson on sexual harassment and consent.
- To visit every form group in the school and/or deliver assemblies with the purpose of introducing all students in the school to the members of the committee and highlight their role and goals.
- To produce a poster to be put up across the school publicising the committee and its role.
- Years 7-12 will be assigned at least one student from the committee who will be introduced as a source of support for any student in the year group who wishes to report/discuss any incidents or concerns relating to harassment with a member of staff.
- To establish a confidential online form (via Teams) for students to contact their assigned member of the committee if they wish to speak to them directly and ask for their support.