Yavneh College is heavily oversubscribed. However, occasionally, in-year vacancies occur for Years 7-10.
Should you wish to make an in-year application please complete our In-Year Application Form and our In-Year Certificate of Religious Practice and send them to Mrs L Foreman, Admissions, Yavneh College, Hillside Avenue, Borehamwood, Hertfordshire, WD6 1HL.
If we are unable to offer a place immediately, your child will be placed on the Continuing Interest (CI) List for the relevant year group. Applicants on the CI lists are ranked in accordance with the criteria listed in our Admissions Rules, not by date of application. If a place becomes available, it is allocated to the applicant who is highest ranked on the CI list.
If you have any queries regarding in-year applications please call Mrs L Foreman on 020 8736 5580.