In year 12 we ask all students to participate in a volunteer programme to allow them to “give back” to the school and demonstrate the sorts of qualities which will stand them on good stead for their post-18 pathways.
Students are asked to give up one free period a week to take part in the programme.
Students are given three options:
- Work in the lower school supporting a teacher (of their choice) with an Enrichment lesson
- Help in Yavneh Primary School
- Training as a mentor and working one on one with (targeted) lower school students on a weekly basis.
Students are given a booklet with which to document their activities and ensure these are signed off every week by a teacher.
Part of our GiveBack (volunteering) programme in year 12 includes the option to become a peer mentor.
All mentors have to apply for the position and are taken off timetable for bespoke training, led by our Wellbeing Practioner.
Mentors are then assigned students in the lower school (chosen by Heads of Year) to meet one on one with our mentors once a week in our LRC during Form Time (25 minutes).