Careers Interviews
Services For Young People (Hertfordshire) ran one on one (30 minutes) careers interviews for Year 12 students this week.
This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that Matt Kendler contributed 43 entries already.
Services For Young People (Hertfordshire) ran one on one (30 minutes) careers interviews for Year 12 students this week.
The sessions were led by a range of experienced facilitators from different careers and industries giving students hands on experience of dealing with challenges like negotiating a deal, fund raising and writing a pitch. This was an excellent opportunity for students to work together in teams and outside their curriculum and develop their skills.
Today our TFL Innovate finalists filmed their professional advert and interviews with a professional camera crew! The finals are on 8th March in London where they will compete with three other teams for fantastic prizes.
Twenty Five Year 7 students have the opportunity to complete a six week Krav Muga workshop run by CST / Street Wise at lunchtimes this term.
We were delighted to welcome several alumni and business leaders to come into school today run a series of one on one mock interviews with our Year 13 students who are considering applying for an Apprenticeship. Thank you so much to Daniel Gold, Gaby Jessup, Georgia Shaw, Daniel Garcia and Zack Issacs for giving up […]
We were delighted to welcome local magistrate Stephen Pam to run an assembly for our Year 9 students to learn about the role of a magistrate and run a mock trial.
We were delighted to welcome former deputy head boy “Formz” back to Yavneh today to deliver a special assembly/performance this morning to our Sixth Form. We are so proud of his Form’s success and it was inspiring to hear his story and get an exclusive performance of some of his raps and songs.
We were delighted to welcome back some of our alumni Medical students who came in to speak to our current Year 12 students who are thinking of applying to Medicine next year
Expert trainers from Talk The Talk came to Yavneh College on Monday, 18th December to work with students in Year 12. Talk The Talk’s mission is to develop students’ oracy skills and communication confidence to support positive interaction in all life situations and improved social outcomes. Talk The Talk has trained over 115,000 students to […]
Year 11 had their second careers assembly this term with the head of Careers from West Herts College. The assembly focused on college life as well as the different post 16 courses and pathways on offer.
Tel: 020 8736 5580
Company Registration Number
07643712 (England & Wales)
Opening Hours
8.30am – 4pm Monday, Wednesday and Thursday
8.30am – 3.40pm – Tuesday
8.30am – 1.30pm – Friday
Total 34.5 Hours per week
Hillside Avenue
Executive Headteacher
Mr S Lewis BA (Hons) MA NPQH
Honorary President
Mr Benjamin Perl MBE
School Rabbi
Rabbi Alex Chapper
General Enquiries
Mrs Hayley Fraser
Mrs Lisa Tredler
Safeguarding Lead
Mr M Kendler
Chair of Yavneh College Academy Trust
Mrs Roz Levin
Chair of Yavneh College Local Governing Body
Mrs Susy Stone
Chair of Yavneh Primary Local Governing Body
Mrs Roz Levin
Chair of Yavneh Foundation Trust
Mr Richard Gilbert