SEND policy and practice at Yavneh College adheres to the principles outlined in the SEND Code of Practice, January 2015 (Click For Details) which sets out guidance on policies and procedures “enabling pupils with Special Educational Needs to reach their full potential, to be included fully in their school communities and make a successful transition to adulthood”
This confirms the school ethos that all pupils irrespective of difference have equal opportunities to participate and be fully included in all aspects of Yavneh life.
The department has the experience and expertise to work with pupils who have a variety of educational needs such as cognition and learning, communication and interaction, social emotional and mental health and sensory and physical.
The department works predominantly with targeted individuals in the classroom and will provide support to include whole classes, small group interventions in literacy and numeracy, individual social and emotional support programmes and exam related support.
The department works very closely with Local Authorities, specialist advisory teachers and external agencies to support pupils who require further help in addition to their mainstream provision.
The department is led by an experienced full-time SENDCo (Special Educational Needs Coordinator) who is a nationally qualified SENDCo and teacher and supported by a SEND administrative assistant, 3 Higher Level Teaching Assistants (HLTAs) and 7.5 Learning Support Assistants (LSAs). All SEND staff receive ongoing professional development training from the SENDCo and external specialists enabling them to effectively support the learning of pupils with SEND.
The SEND Department houses a number of PCs equipped with speech recognition, literacy and numeracy support software in addition to a number of chrome books to support pupils with identified learning, motor difficulties or medical needs. At break and lunch times, the ‘Base’ serves as an ‘alternative space’ where pupils can spend time in, should they wish.
The academic attainment of SEND pupils is impressive. School progress data 2020 shows that pupils with SEND perform above national average for Attainment 8 scores and at or above expected levels of progress.