ASK (Apprenticeship Support Knowledge) – mock assessment centre
A representative from ASK came to Yavneh to run a mock assessment for all year 13 students who are considering applying to a high level apprenticeship.
The mock assessment included group activities similar to the sort of thing applicants face in the selection process for apprenticeships (see photos below)
This was the official blurb sent to all students who signed up for the event.
“Assessment centres are used by employers to select the right people for the role. They are just one of the stages of, sometimes, very robust recruitment processes used by organisations. Companies such as TFL, GSK, BT, The BBC, The Cabinet Office etc. use assessment centres (as well as online tests, interviews etc.) to recruit their apprentices, graduates and full time employees. The mock assessment workshop gives you a chance to understand what is an assessment centre, the behaviours and skills employers are looking for in candidates, and to experience some of the activities that may be asked from you in an assessment centre.”