First Aid Training
All Year 8 students took part in an interactive First Aid workshop today run by Stand Against Violence.
All Year 8 students took part in an interactive First Aid workshop today run by Stand Against Violence.
Sixth Form Politics students had the opportunity to visit the Houses of Parliament today which included a guided tour of both the Houses of Commons and the House of Lords.
Over 300 parents/students (Year 10-13) attended our Careers Fair on the 23rd January.
We are so grateful to the sixty plus volunteers from our Parent bodies (both from Yavneh College and Yavneh Primary School) who kindly represented and showcased a huge range of careers from a variety of different industries and sectors for our students.
The evening also included two “spotlight” sessions held in the Theatre where eight presenters provided a brief snapshot of their career.
Thank you so much to all those involved who helped make the evening such a success.
In early 2021, an aspiring and gifted year 12 Yavneh College student, Mr. Josh Morris, who went on to study at Imperial College London, became fascinated with Masterclasses from the Royal Institution of Great Britain (Ri) and lobbied hard for the training. The Ri had been connecting people to Science for well over 200 years and established an international reach, working with world-leading scientists. Sir Christopher Zeeman originally inspired the Masterclass programme over 40 years ago. Masterclasses had grown into a nationwide programme of Mathematics, Engineering and Computer Science courses for school students aged 9 to 18 years.
Ms. Alison Eves led a training event on Thursday 14th January 2025 at Yavneh College. Seven year 12s volunteered and worked together to bring forth ideas to inspire a love of learning amongst Primary School children. The contribution of the Ri was well-received, and Ms. Eves was applauded for her work by the year 12s. It is expected that most of these 12s will undertake activities to inspire a love of learning amongst Primary School students.
Tel: 020 8736 5580
Company Registration Number
07643712 (England & Wales)
Opening Hours
8.30am – 4pm Monday, Wednesday and Thursday
8.30am – 3.40pm – Tuesday
8.30am – 1.30pm – Friday
Total 34.5 Hours per week
Hillside Avenue
Executive Headteacher
Mr S Lewis BA (Hons) MA NPQH
Honorary President
Mr Benjamin Perl MBE
School Rabbi
Rabbi Alex Chapper
General Enquiries
Mrs Hayley Fraser
Mrs Lisa Tredler
Safeguarding Lead
Mr M Kendler
Chair of Yavneh College Academy Trust
Mrs Roz Levin
Chair of Yavneh College Local Governing Body
Mrs Susy Stone
Chair of Yavneh Primary Local Governing Body
Mrs Roz Levin
Chair of Yavneh Foundation Trust
Mr Richard Gilbert